7Qi Essentials:
Consciousness: Self-awareness in action!
Learn about your 7Qi essentials:
your body, emotions, beliefs, feelings, mind, soulvoice and inspiration!
Self-Awareness in action is being able, to take all your 7Qi into account when you set goals, make decisions or act.
Understanding the interconnectedness of your 7Qi
Your "system" is a system of 7 different types of energies: your 7Qi. These energies are interdependent! They all can influence each other positively: as a synergetic system, they are important for a vital, loving and happy life!
But disturbances cause pitfall behavior or even illness.
Are you aware of all of your 7Qi? And do you take their needs into account? Wherever you are, whatever you do? Your first step is learning how your 7Qi function optimal. And how to solve disturbances.
Via this 7Qi essentials page you can find detailed information of all of your Qi and with that work on your self-awareness!
(Self) Awareness of your 7Qi has benefits:
- It promotes health, better relationships, greater inner satisfaction and a more meaningful life.
- It promotes self-regulation (optimization of your 7Qi), and helps you make informed decisions.
- You learn to show empathy more consciously, and with less projection, leading to deeper relationships and effective conflict resolution.
- In addition, 7Qi self-awareness stimulates your personal growth, creating clarity about your uniqueness/uniqueness and what you really want.
On this page you will find links to Qi pages with:
- characteristics and therapeutic information about all your 7Qi and lifestyle advice
- a short description of the 7Qi method
The information provided is learning material. Reading these pages will take about 20 minutes each. An investment you will benefit of the rest of your life! Tip: Bookmark this page so you can find your 7Qi essentials pages in the future!.
In the figure below you see the 7Qi depicted with their essential (positive) characteristics. The difference with classical Chakra representation (vertical in the body) is intentional, to emphasize the interconnectedness.
Explore your 7QI and learn the essential characteristics
Awareness of your life choices
Part of your self-awareness is awareness of your life choices. Having overview of who you are, what you want, and what you do. In summary, you can be self-aware about:
1. Self-awareness:
To what extent are you aware of your body, emotions, beliefs (helping and hindering), feelings, way of thinking, inspiration and inspiration? A first step is to recognize that you can always keep learning and be open to personal growth. And in doing so, grow your self-awareness.
The links above to the pages about your 7Qi are sure to provide new insights. They contain extensive information for each Qi and are meant to be available at your convenience. “Quickly scrolling through some one-liners” may be easier but less instructive. Are you investing in yourself and taking the time to work on your self-awareness?
2. Empathy without projection
Awareness is also being aware of the “real” other. You view life through your subjective glasses. But the more (self) aware you are, the better you understand how others can be. And that by observing for as long as possible and postponing your judgments or condemnations, you gain more insight into that other person. Asking, questioning, and showing interest ultimately yields more awareness than imposing your (world) view on another.
3. Clear goals
Are you “just living it up” and seeing what comes your way? Or are you self-aware also in the sense that you know what you want, and where your priority lies in your personal challenges? The difference between living or being lived!
Ultimately, you understand, you are faced with the choice of a fear-based lifestyle, or a love-based lifestyle. But to be loving in life, self-love, and processing of disruptive patterns is essential.
Below are the possible goals on which you can develop/become self-aware:
- Choosing a love based lifestyle (instead of a fear based lifestyle). Read the page about this topic!
- Defining and manifesting life goals.From a healthy body, your work, partner and friends, to understanding your inspiration! All your 7Qi are connected to them (see image below).
- Fixing distortions, learning and growing
- Learning how to optimize your 7Qi.
- Attachment patterns: releasing restrictive patterns in case of insecure attachment (fear of commitment or separation anxiety)
- Recognizing and resolving angsts or trauma (if applicable)
- Resolving limiting beliefs and behaviors
- Actively monitoring the quality of your life and your goals.
The 7Qi Method
Currently, no coaching program can be taken at 7Qi practice for coaching. But you can apply the 'approach' yourself (or with another coach or therapist). The steps actually come from the so-called PDCA (plan/do/check/act) method:
- Awareness: read about the essentials of your 7Qi
- Practice and Learn (specifically on chosen topics): discuss questions or ask them on the Internet.
- Clearing (Detox): therapy and action.
- Planning: consciously make a plan for the development of your self-awareness and goals to be achieved
- FLOW/ doing: see how your insights help you in your daily life.
- Monitoring: make notes in your journal from time to time. Of things that went better and of things you encounter.
This creates a 'wheel' of development. From your monitor diary new challenges can emerge that go through your personal (life) quality cycle. And with that you can continuously grow your self-awareness.
This page has been designed for you to be able to 'learn' (awareness phase) the essentials of all your 7Qi. This enables a quick learning process while discussing your challenges with your life coach or therapist as your insights in inner mechanisms will be present!
Finally, it is important to note that being overly preoccupied with self-awareness as such will not make you happy! In fact, it will even depress you! Alternating between learning and doing! (FLOW) is important. Experience! To dare! Be allowed to learn and sometimes make mistakes. That is the last thing we can tell you here about self-awareness.