7Qi Essentials: Qi 6 - Soul(voice)

What you really need to know about the workings of your soul & soulvoice (Qi-6) and how other Qi affect it.



1. What is your Soul(voice)?
2. Energetic meanings/functions Soul-Qi
3. Symbolic meanings/functions Soul-Qi
4. Disruption of Soulvoice & blockage
5. Therapy

1. What is your Soul(voice)?

In our language, we still talk about “soul.” Soulmate, soul mission, soul music, soul food, a beautiful soul. Religions talk about soul and spirit. But we get confused when we are asked “what is that? A soul?” Is there something besides our reason? Or even besides our worldly existence, and is there any connection with it? It is a question that has been around for many thousands of years.

  • Graves dating back thousands of years show that objects for an afterlife were given along for the soul. Or even soldiers and servants, made of stone or in the flesh! (Egypt/China).
  • Animistic and shamanic movements believe in animating everything (from space, planets and stars to earthly things like nature/stones to ancestor energy).
  • The ancient Greek philosophers talked about it (e.g. the Platonic concept of soul)
  • Religions of e.g. Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism/tantric movements and Islam believe in a soul.
  • Then science delved into deep inner predispositions to talents and personality and self-awareness.
  • And from spiritual movements like the new-age movement come visions connected to science about 'connection' and contact with other dimensions (e.g. Joe Dispenza (Becoming Superhuman) in which you can contact other dimensions via kundalini/your pineal gland (also recognized in quantum physics).

We are all born with different traits. Different abilities or talents. Different situational challenges. But we are all unique! We can see this clearly in a family with multiple children. If you ask a mother, she will tell you that they are all her children, but all different. One may be very quiet, introverted, the other constantly wild, extroverted. One may be very talented in sports, making music or painting, the other not at all, but in other things like math or sports. Different DNA expressions or more?

You can look at Soul/Soulvoice in 2 ways:

1. Scientific

Soul as your personality: your hereditary disposition, and your (self) awareness and talents, through which you take on your unique learning experiences and social challenges, learn and grow (as a personality).

From your DNA your talents emerge, which are your strengths, but also your handicap/blind spot. Via duality and techniques such as core quadrants (Ofman) or The Work (Katie) you can automatically deduce the challenges you will encounter and overcome in your life. For example, for someone who is very good at controlling, letting go is likely to be a challenge. For a very compassionate person, setting boundaries. Or for someone who loves freedom to commit to things.
In summary, your personality or soul (unique core) is shaped by specific energy characteristics, your imprinted talents (and challenges), your inner wisdom, your experiences, and your (moral) choices and personal growth.

Your unique DNA expression is also called your “phenotype” by science: But how exactly DNA expression is activated and talents are formed science does not know (yet). According to the 7Qi philosophy, this happens through your Soul Qi. Your blueprint energy.

2. Philosophical, religious, spiritual

Soulvoice we see in the philosophical or spiritual/religious sense as spiritual (-ego) energy, connected or separated from the divine/the “All. It is your soul that programs your  uniqueness, and where you have the challenge, during your life, to overcome fear-based behavior and instead grow toward loving behavior. Your conscience and (moral) growth is incorporated into your soul-Qi, which thereby changes for better or worse and is judged accordingly in the afterlife.

If you can live love-based lives and uphold moral laws, then you (soul) may enter heaven. Christianity believes in a trinity: God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit who (condemns), but can also forgive your pitfall behavior, so that as a soul you may enter heaven. Advaita Vedanta also believes in growth from duality into non-duality, and fusion with the All. Buddhists in a soul growing and learning, and reincarnating (returning to earth) for as long as it takes to learn and grow, until Nirvana can be reached.

Your life path to use your Soulvoice, talents and uniqueness to learn and grow, and by turning your challenges into virtues and manifestations is called Dharma. The Way, soul mission or soul path.

Difference between the two points of view is:

  • do you believe in something after this life or do you believe in nature and only this life itself?
  • what conscience and moral standards do you integrate, or are your personal guidelines for functioning and developing
  • religious laws / divine instructions or human-written laws and cultural precepts
  • a purpose for this life or a purpose which is larger/broader than this life itself, worshiping God (or multiple Gods-Healing-Demon energies) and living by precepts for “returning” or “going” to something worth pursuing? In that case, meeting moral standards is a “retirement” for your afterlife.Simila-Qi that can be defined from both ways:

Similarities for Soulvoice:

  • Both involve a life path with uniqueness/'individuality' (talents, character traits)
  • With (self) awareness, conscience and moral goals you can '(see through) the related challenges
  • This automatically creates and enables you to have unique learning and growth experiences.
  • Growing from fear-based to love-based behavior can be seen as a universal [moral] development goal. And thus as an 'imprint' of every soul's mission. It has benefits that everyone ultimately strives for: health, sustainable life happiness, love, acceptance, expression, less suffering, and if you believe in more than this life: prevention of suffering after death, access to a/heaven, or fusion with Source, Brachman, the Creator, the divine, God).

Definition: Soul/Soul Qi is the energy of growing (moral) consciousness, through personal growth experiences, in which, from your unique characteristics and challenges, you learn to transform fear-based behavior into love-based action, with the goal of inner fulfillment, lasting happiness and connection to the divine.

2. Energetic meanings/functions Soul Qi

Some important functions:

  • Your soul is a store of energy: intelligent energy! Your unique (Self) consciousness with conscience, moral wisdom and talents.
  • This energy is essential in your 7Qi system to show and develop your uniqueness by interacting with your other Qi
  • Your soul can “advise/inspire on your life choices.
  • Your talents can be transformed into unique skills with practice.
  • Your learning experiences produce adjustment of your soul-Qi.
  • Soul-Qi grows with love-based behavior.
  • Acting in accordance with your soul mission causes passion and inner happiness. Joy or Bliss.
  • It creates the right resonance for “spiritual infusion” (see spirit chapter) that supports creativity and FLOW in life.


The universal law, that growing from fear-based behavior to love-based behavior has benefits, can also be argued rationally.

  • Fear-based behavior (e.g., exercise of power, control, aggression, materialism, jealousy, war, curtailment of individual freedoms) ultimately does not produce lasting happiness or even harm.
    • Typically, fear-based behavior produces only temporary happiness or even pain and sorrow, because the effect of any “pleasure” or gain at the expense of others is not sustainable, and it raises questions of conscience and/or moral judgments).
    • Shame, pain, blame, guilt, stress, anxiety and illness flow from it. Statements such as “money does not make you happy,” “power corrupts,” “he who passes the ball...,” “that sticks to his/her soul,” and Gossen's law (diminishing borderline utility: your tenth ice cream tastes less good than your first) are indications of this.
  • Love-based behaviors produce lasting life happiness. For example, beautiful (shared) memories, mutual support, respect, acceptance, and joint growth (a win-win).
  • Both science and spiritual/religious moral rules ultimately point to this insight as well (see blocks below).

The energy of inspiration/Soul-Qi does not force you to live as a “perfect” human being or saint! But helps you to self-consciously (and with conscience and morality) experience your 'shadows' (disabilities and learning points) and be able to choose growth and development.

Whether you choose love or fear based behavior, is greatly influenced by balance in your 7Qi:

    • Excessive-lower Qi (Body, emotion and ego-Qi) stimulates fear-based behavior (compensatory behavior),
    • higher Qi (Feeling, (sound) Thought, Soul and Inspiration) stimulates love based behavior.

Fear based behavior is never soul infused. It is caused by Ego-Qi (and from the perspective of Soul can be seen as a longer and hard way of growing to love infused energy)

Spirituality/religion and morality:

Spiritual/religious movements have provided moral guidance for choosing love-based behavior for many centuries.

The well known “golden rule” (treat another as you would want to be treated yourself) is an important moral compass for many and e.g. recorded in the Bible: in the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:1) and in the New Testament (Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31) and also (indirectly) in the Qur'an (Qur'an 4:36, 16:90) and Hadith (Sahih al-Bukhari 13, Sahih Muslim 45).

We also find wisdom in Buddhism to create meaning and find direction. It is about using your talents and turning handicaps/shadows into 'parami':

  1. dana parami : generosity, giving energy to others
  2. sila parami : virtue, morality and right conduct
  3. nekhamma parami : letting go, releasing, unleashing
  4. panna parami : insight
  5. viriya parami : zeal
  6. khanti parami : patience, tolerance
  7. sacca parami : honesty, truthfulness
  8. aditthana parami : perseverance
  9. metta parami : kindness and love
  10. upekkha parami : calmness, tranquility, equanimity

The Buddhist Brahma Vihara lists as essential qualities for developing wisdom:

  1. Metta : loving kindness
  2. Karuna: compassion
  3. Mudita: cheerfulness and compassion
  4. Upekkha: equality or inner peace

Judaism and Christians/Catholics know the 10 commandments as important morals and guidelines for love-based living.

In Christianity/Catholicism, you see the 7 virtues as wisdom to create meaning and grow from fear-based to love-based living (and 7 sins as pitfalls):

  1. From Pride to Modesty
  2. From Greed to Generosity
  3. From Lust to Chastity/Mastery
  4. From Anger to Patience
  5. From Gluttony to Temperance
  6. From Envy to Generosity
  7. From Sloth to Diligence

But the 3 divine virtues (faith, love, hope) and cardinal virtues (wisdom, justice, courage and temperance) can also be seen as “moral” goals.

Science and morality

The “Is-ought dilemma” applies to science: British philosopher David Hume pointed out an important problem: Science can tell us what is (the facts), but it cannot necessarily tell us what ought to be (the moral standards). So there is a difference between describing behaviors and prescribing what is ethically right (as religion does).

Yet scientific moral points can be made with rational arguments:

  1. Empathy promotes cooperation
  2. Doing justice promotes well-being
  3. Altruism has evolutionary benefits (promotes survival)
  4. Freedom of choice promotes happiness
  5. Sustainability is a moral responsibility (preserving the earth and the prosperity of future generations)
  6. Self-care promotes communal well-being

3. Symbolic meanings/functions Soul Qi


Usually when we talk about inspiration we mean that your uniqueness and passion is reflected in your actions and results.


Your soul is sometimes described as a coachman. He who leads the horses (your 7Qi: body, emotions, beliefs, feelings, thinking, inspiration and inspiration) along the road (of life) and adjusts when necessary.

Inner voice

Your inner voice, which gently speaks to you as you make choices is also considered your soul. Conscience or moral choices. Things you do and don't want to do. But with some, that inner voice seems to give destructive advice, right? The fact is that all of your 7Qi have their own voice. You recognize the voice of your inspiration by loving or building cues.

The silent observer

Your self-awareness (without judgment) is part of your Soul and observes everything you do and think in your life. Filled with wisdom, it is not a voice that shouts but rather a kind of “wise observer” that is best observed in silence (for example, during meditation). This observer gives love-inspired directions, not strict (judgments).

4. Disruption of Soul(voice) and blockage

Soul-Qi is subtle energy. Think of it rather as energy in a flower that can open and close, and thus be available/reachable or not. Anything that acknowledges uniqueness of self and others and unfolds it in positive and loving ways makes the flower bloom, and Soul-Qi energy flow. Fear, aggression, strong emotions, negativity, busyness in your head, noise or lethargy and lack of clarity cause the flower to close, and produces a blockage to the flow of your Soul-Qi.

The subtle Soul-Qi is always present, but can be disturbed and/or shielded. (Your bodily urges, emotions, or ego-centric beliefs crowd out the voice of your conscience, and the will to want and be able to grow without harming yourself or others.

Excessive lower Qi: Body, emotion and ego-Qi stimulates fear-based (compensatory) behavior, and stands in the way of growth and life's happiness. (Self) destructive behavior, harming others, aggression, or just (self) numbing behavior, envy can indicate disturbed Soul-Qi (attainment) but are usually the result of excessive lower Qi.

Indications for disturbed Soul-Qi:

  1. Unlimited desire (lust, power, prestige, materialism).
  2. Conversely: not knowing what you stand for, apathy and docility.
  3. Repeated fears of unworthiness that are not overcome
  4. Negativity and envy/jealousy/cynism. Wanting to harm others. Hacking, aggression, or tearing people down.
  5. Lack of (life) joy and regular boredom
  6. Lack of intrinsic motivation and uniqueness (and often slavish use of talents and skills). Surviving rather than living (unfolding your uniqueness in relation to others).
  7. Unexplained sadness
  8. Little inner joy
  9. Sabotage of your own development or deployment of qualities
  10. Rejecting/spurning spirituality and religion, compassion and love.
  11. Speaking much in terms of should, little in terms of will/want to's.

Everything that stands in the way of your authenticity and freedom to develop is disruptive for your Soul-Qi/Soul. Social media can stimulate creativity and development, but usually have the risk of fueling co-dependent behavior, copying behavior, and longing for what others do or have. Algorithms narrow your field of vision and diminish your creative ability. And thus the voice of your own inspiration becomes weaker. But also companies that expect “slavish” following of orders and slavish activity, or addictions (lust for buying, narcotics, lust, or addiction to “conditional love”) are disruptive to the unfolding of your inspiration.

5. Therapy

Talent testing allows you to gain insight into your talents (and decide if you want to develop specific skills).

By studying and broadening your field of vision (e.g. this self-awareness course!) you can observe your individuality and your challenges/falls more clearly

With meditation / silence meditation (vipasana) you can (re)find the voice and directions of your inspiration.

By consciously controlling your lower Qi energy (physical urges, emotional behavior, negative or self-centered beliefs) you can better perceive the voice of your higher Qi (and thus of your inspiration).

With a life line - analysis, you can find clues to your uniqueness and challenges throughout your life. And thus to your pre-programmed soulprint. Put your life on a timeline and see what are (repeating!) positive and negative events. Often you can find a line in there that reveals your unique strengths but also your pitfalls.

Soul map reading by star/planet constellation can clarify your uniqueness and challenges.

Spiritual readings can clarify uniqueness and challenges (shamanic treatment and body energy readings).

Listing and meditating on affirmations regularly can unlock the energy of your soulvoice & inspiration:


  • I find meaning in life
  • I accept my path
  • I transform boundless creativity with my uniqueness
  • I am meant to be
  • I trust to find direction in my life
  • I actively create direction in my life
  • My talents are my helpers
  • I develop my skills with my talents
  • My disabilities and allergies are my teachers
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